When I first met Sonalie Figueiras, founder of Green Queen Media, her passion and vast knowledge of all things sustainable wowed me, and I knew we needed to find a project to collaborate on. Fast forward a couple years, and we’re now launching this limited series podcast we’ve produced together, in which Sonalie talks to six founders of cultivated meat companies!
In developing this show, we were conscious that we were coming at the subject matter from two quite different perspectives; Sonalie is a vegan and an true expert in the rapidly developing alternative protein field. I’m a more of an omnivore, but consciously reducing the amount of meat my family consumes in an attempt to reduce our contribution to the climate emergency. That’s why this subject matter was so compelling to me, it’s a unique opportunity to learn a whole lot more about the new alternatives to traditional meat and share that knowledge at scale.
While I know this subject matter will resonate with listeners already focused on sustainability, I’m also really keen to reach a less specialized audience too, especially those who might be skeptical of these new products and the science behind them. My hopes is that this series will answer a lot of questions, as well as giving some inspiring insights into these passionate founders very individual journeys and motivations.
I hope you enjoy listening, and really look forwards to your comments and thoughts!
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You can find the show on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts